Saturday 18 June 2016

Httpd apache Server-status via location match

Httpd Server-status via location match not working in Centos or Ubuntu 

For Server Monitoring Apache Server-status is very useful thing

However there are situation due to rewrite rules location match for Apache is not triggers or not working correctly

Spot the problem 

Confirm that in httpd.conf  should not be commented

#LoadModule status_module modules/

Correct (remove the # to uncomment)
LoadModule status_module modules/

If its already un-commented then check your rewrite rule if they overriding the location setting ?

How to check : You can check by simply http://yourip/server-status if it not display some stat regarding Apache and redirect to your website then rewrite rules are overriding 

Solution ?

Update your location path in your conf it might be httpd.conf or any other location
Note : This can be placed in last line of the conf file out of any <VirtualHost></VirtualHost> tags

<Location "/server-status.monitor">
SetHandler server-status
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from <your pubic ip>

Find the section where css,js and images are excluded from rewrite rule this rule can be found in httpd.cof or  .htaccess of your website

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^(.*).(css|js|gif|png|jpg|jpeg|swf|monitor)$

Add |monitor in the end

Restart the httpd 

Now try http://yourip/server-status.monitor

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