Thursday 23 June 2016

550 CHMOD 666 *.php: Operation not permitted - proftpd

ProFTPd version 1.34 - Giving write permission to certain folder /directory in Linux centos 6.7

Issue : Allow write access to one user and Deny for all.

<Directory /var/www/uploads/*>
<Limit WRITE>
AllowUser FtpUserName
AllowUser FtpUserName

If we do not define DenyAll and Deny ftpusername it will throw the error like

550 CHMOD 666 *.php: Operation not permitted if file permission is tried to change
Critical file transfer error  if file upload or transfer is initiated

Note : Deny Clause need to define else setting is not work (I do not find this on google but change only reflect once i added DENY)

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