Monday 20 June 2016

AWS CLI in Cent OS 6.7 with Python 2.6.6 , Python 2.7 not required for aws cli

After searching in AWS doc it says upgrade your python to 2.7 before installing aws.

However we are stuck with centos 6.7 and if we upgrade to newer version it might impact other area of our application.

So we tried to install it without upgrading

Below are the commands to install aws cli without 2.7 python as root login

  • cd /opt
  • curl "" -o ""
  • unzip  
  • sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws
  • aws --version
version output

aws-cli/1.10.38 Python/2.6.6 Linux/ botocore/1.4.28

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